Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby

Me and my roommate had our first actual battle last night (and I won). But it was fought on silent fronts. She always has the heat on ridiculously high and I'm always just walking in and turning it off. As soon as I leave the room she always turns it back on, but she'll never do it in front of me because, well I imagine I scare her. But anyway so I went into the shower and for the 10th time she turned it back on. Now let me just preface the next part by saying she's always cold for no legitimate reason. She's always running around in shorts and a spaghetti strap tank so if she was actually cold she could just , oh I don't know, put some fucking clothes on. I walk around in the same attire, but I'm sweltering hot and can barely breath. I also sleep with just a sheet and she sleeps with a hoodie and wrapped up in a cocoon. So anyway I get out of the shower and the heat's back on. Like when I say heat I'm talking like I step out of the shower and brush my teeth and have a layer of sweat on me. So I'm like fine, she wants to fuck with me, she's got it. So I went into the one bedroom we share, at like 8.30pm like I always do , because if I don't do something at night, I prefer to just read and I don't read in the living room because she's always got either her 2003 music on or some movie that I rented that she'll never pay for. So anyway I went into the room, closed the door, and got dressed for bed. Because the heat blasts in the bedroom I opened our sliding door all the way (we have a long balcony that runs the length of the apartment so we have doors in the bedroom and living room). Now, remember it's winter here, so it's probably like 45 degrees outside, so I climb into bed. With the bedroom door closed and the balcony door open I have created an ice box. So at midnight when she comes in the room to go to bed it's so fucking cold she can't even handle it. And because she would NEVER dare to either wake me up and ask me to close the door, or close the door herself for fear of waking me up, she just got her pjs (and by pjs I mean hoodie) and went back out and slept on the couch. If she wants the heat on, I'll just freeze her out of her own goddamn bedroom. Annoying fuck that she is.
nealey - 1
annoying roomate - 0

1 comment:

  1. good move! it's the exact same kind of petty crap i'd do if i had a roommate that i fact i'm pretty sure i've done something like that before
